It is becoming more common for businesses to consider their Social Corporate Responsibility (SCR.) Organisations are being intentional in their endeavours to have a positive impact on their community, the environment and the economy.
Partnering with a local charity not only supports the non profit, but can also provide your business with a wealth of benefits such as:
Delivering on your social responsibility goals
Positive brand awareness & PR opportunities
A wider reach on social media
Employee engagement
There are several ways your business can partner with PACSO.
Read on to find out more.

Corporate Partnerships
Is your business looking for a charity to partner with?
Perhaps our mission and values align with your own, maybe we are local to you or you're just looking for a great cause to support.
Whatever the reason, we'd love to work with you!
Charity of the Year
Could your business partner with us for a year - or even two - to carry out fundraising activities, work on awareness campaigns and other collaborative endeavours to raise the profile of both partners?
If so, nominate PACSO as your Charity of the Year!
Commercial Giving
Could your business donate a percentage of its profits from a specific product or product line to PACSO?
If so, please get in touch!
Match Funding
Could your business match the fundraising efforts of your employees or of PACSO? For every pound that your team, or PACSO manage to raise, could you match it? With match funding every pound becomes two pounds and every one hundred becomes two hundred and so on.
Together we can raise vital funds for disabled children and their families!
Employee Voluntary Work
Could you give your employees a day or two per year to help a local cause? Perhaps your team have a skill set that could help better our charity in some way. Whether it be IT & digital support, HR and governance guidance or all hands on deck for some physical labour.
Whatever their strengths, we have a job for them!
There are many platforms that can help you to manage and measure the impact that your business is making. ​​​​​
Click the logo to find us on the Benevity Causes Portal.
​Promote Payroll Giving
Could your business promote Payroll Giving amongst your employees? This scheme allows your team to donate to a charity of their choice from their pre-taxed income.
If so, click the link to find out more!
Event Sponsorships
Throughout the year, PACSO runs hundreds of events. Most of these are directly for our children and their families, but some are vital fundraisers.
Your business could get involved with supporting these events in several different ways.
Supplying Goods or Services
Could your business donate goods or services for a PACSO fundraising event? Previously, we have raised thousands of pounds for our cause through events such as Summer and Christmas Balls, Gigs and Race Nights.
You could support these events by gifting:
Auction prizes
Venue space
Services such as music, entertainment or MC-ing
Please get in touch if you are interested in supporting us in this way.
Funding an Event
Fundraising events are a brilliant way for charities to diversify their income streams. However, hosting a fundraising event requires an up-front investment from integral charity funds.
By donating a lump sum of money, you could enable us to organise a fundraising event that could increase our income significantly more than the original donation. Through ticket sales, entry fees, raffles and competitions, £100 could become £300, £200 could become £500 and so on.
This is a great way to make your donation go further!
Sponsor a Family Fun Day, Respite Event or Special Treat for PACSO children
If you want to directly support our children and families, then why not sponsor a PACSO session or activity?
Examples could include:
£50 Bouncy Castle hire for a day
£250 for Christmas gifts for our children at Santa's Grotto
£1000 for exclusive PACSO use of a soft play area
£5000 to fund a whole term of after-school respite sessions​
Any offer of sponsorship is gratefully received, and could help raise your business's profile if you choose to partner with PACSO. ​​
Become a PACSO Ambassador
Perhaps you have years of experience in your field and a large network of contacts? Perhaps you are well connected and have a large reach in person and online? Perhaps you could use your influence and standing to support a good cause?
Help Spread the Word
Charities often run on tight budgets and good will. They often have limited access to marketing, branding and other resources that could help to spread their message far and wide.
If you are a well connected individual and are touched by the work that we do, then you might consider becoming a PACSO Ambassador. We would welcome any support that you could give in spreading the word about us, helping to raise awareness of the work that we do and telling people how they can get involved with supporting us.
Charities must be seen to be supported. If you could help us be seen by a wider audience then please get in touch, we would love to hear from you.