Safeguarding and Child Protection Statement 2025 (Version 1.9)
Download a copy of our full Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy HERE or read on for a summary of our safeguarding procedures.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. All staff and volunteers who, during the course of their employment, have direct or indirect contact with children and families and vulnerable adults, or who have access to information about them, have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
PACSO is committed to the safeguarding of the children and young people in its care, its staff and visitors. Safeguarding is a priority, with arrangements in place to ensure that young people feel and are safe on PACSO premises and during off-site activities. The experiences of the children and young people in our care are paramount and safeguarding initiatives are developed to impact positively upon this.
PACSO ensures that safeguarding legislation and guidance are adhered to and taken into account when developing and revisiting policies, procedures and associated arrangements.
PACSO provides a safe physical environment for its children, young people and staff, ensuring that its premises are of a good standard. Health & Safety arrangements are in place to ensure adherence to current legislation and guidance.
All staff are subject to recruitment and selection procedures designed to emphasise PACSO’s commitment to the safeguarding of all children, young people and staff. The procedures include questioning at interview stage, verification of appropriate qualifications, acquiring references, and appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service checks (DBS).
PACSO has a Senior Designated Person for Child Protection and Safeguarding and its Trustees and Staff have regular training on child protection and safeguarding issues.
PACSO has policies and procedures in place to deal effectively with child protection and safeguarding issues, together with recording and monitoring processes. Furthermore, PACSO adheres to the national child protection and safeguarding procedures, which can be found online at:
PACSO’s commitment to safeguarding is paramount to its success and the Trustees and Senior Management Team will continue to keep abreast of developments in this area and implement arrangements to continually improve the safety of all children and young people in its care and awareness of child protection issues for staff and volunteers.
It is EVERYONE’S responsibility to safeguard children. Everyone has the right to report a concern or make a referral to the Integrated Front Door (IFD.)
What to do if you Suspect that Abuse may have Occurred
The structure that we have adopted is: -
Designated Safeguarding Lead: PACSO Play Lead, Mia Day (07875 601157)
Deputy Safeguarding Leads: CEO, Emma Drain (07955690899) Deputy Play Lead, Harriet Fancourt (07737057776)
Safeguarding Trustee – Hazel Rumsey (07500007632)
Deputy Safeguarding Trustee – Caroline Bucksey (07825741320)
Staff must report concerns as soon as possible to Mia Day (hereafter the “DSL”) at an event in person. She is nominated by the Trustees to act on their behalf in referring allegations or suspicions of neglect or abuse to the statutory authorities. If for any reason the DSL is not available, then the matter should be referred to The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. If staff are not satisfied with the DSL’s/or Deputy DSL’s response, then the matter should be referred to Hazel Rumsey, or Caroline Bucksey, PACSO’s Safeguarding Trustees.
If the suspicions in any way involves the DSL then the report should be made to the a Safeguarding Trustee. If the suspicions in any way implicate both the DSL and the Safeguarding Trustees, then the report should be made directly to the IFD number specified earlier (page 4.)
Suspicions should not be discussed with anyone other than those nominated above.
It is, of course, the right of any individual as a citizen to make direct referrals to the child protection agencies or seek advice from them, although we hope that members of PACSO will use this procedure. If, however, you feel that the DSL or Safeguarding Trustee has not responded appropriately to your concerns, then you should contact the IFD directly.
In response to these concerns the DSL (or Safeguarding Trustee) commits to take action, as outlined in the following pages within a time frame that is appropriate to the suspected level of abuse or danger to the child(ren.)
Reporting a concern through The Integrated Front Door
Anyone who has a concern about a child or young person may seek advice from or make a referral to IFD.
The children and young people who attend PACSO may live anywhere in West Sussex. The single point of contact for all concerns regarding children and young people (aged 0-18) in West Sussex is the Integrated Front Door (IFD).
This service combines Early Help and Social Care services, so that there is one point of contact for the public and professionals with concerns about a child, regardless of the risk and complexity of the situation.
The Integrated Front Door brings together expert professionals, from services that have contact with children, young people and families, and makes the best possible use of their combined knowledge and resources to keep children from harm and promote these and their family’s wellbeing.
Children’s Services (The Integrated Front Door) can be contacted by email:
Or by phone (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm):
01403 229900
Or by phone for out of hours:
0330 222 6664
Duty Social Worker (if the number above does not work:)
To speak to a social care practitioner in the Adult Safeguarding Hub please call:
03302 228400
If you are concerned that a child or adult is in immediate danger call:
The content of the policy will form the basis of a seminar for all staff by an appropriate individual with relevant experience. The Trustees are committed to an on-going training programme for all staff.
Please refer to the full Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy for further guidance. A copy is always held on site.