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Equal Opportunities – Diversity & Dignity at Work Policy (Version 1.1) 


PACSO is committed to complying with the Equalities Act 2010 with such other Acts and statutory requirements furthering equality of opportunity for all as also apply to its charitable activities. PACSO values diversity and understands the importance of dignity in the workplace and as such is committed to building and reinforcing a culture where people are valued and treat each other with understanding, dignity and respect. 

PACSO will provide equal opportunity employment to all employees without regard to the actual or perceived protected characteristics referenced below: 

  • Age 

  • Disability 

  • Gender reassignment 

  • Marriage and civil partnership 

  • Pregnancy and maternity 

  • Race (including ethnic, nationality, and national origin, colour) 

  • Religion or belief 

  • Sex 

  • Sexual orientation 


PACSO recognises that it has moral and social responsibilities that go beyond the provisions of the above-mentioned Acts and Regulations, and that it should support and contribute to the wider process of change through all aspects of its work and practices to eliminate discrimination and promote equality and diversity.  


PACSO is committed to taking positive steps to ensure that:  

  • all people are treated with dignity and respect, valuing the diversity of all.  

  •  equality of opportunity and diversity is promoted.  

  • services are accessible, appropriate, and delivered fairly to all.  

  • the mix of its employees, volunteers and management committees reflects, as far as possible, the broad mix of the population of its local community.  



PACSO will treat all people with dignity and respect, valuing the diversity of all. It will promote equality of opportunity and diversity and is committed to providing equal opportunity employment to all employees, eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity amongst our workforce.  

PACSO aims to ensure that people with disabilities are given equal opportunity to enter employment or to become trustees or volunteers. In so doing it will strive to make reasonable adjustments to operating practices, equipment and premises to ensure that a disabled person is not put at a substantial disadvantage due to their disability. In addition where someone becomes disabled every effort will be made through reasonable adjustment retaining or redeployment as appropriate to enable them to remain in the service of PACSO.  

PACSO’s goal is to work towards a just society free from discrimination, harassment, and prejudice. The Charity aims to embed this in all its policies, procedures, day-to-day practices, and external relationships 

PACSO aims to:  

  • Provide services that are accessible according to need.  

  • Promote equality of opportunity and diversity in volunteering, employment, and development.  

  • Create effective partnerships with all parts of our community. 


PACSO’s objective is to achieve its standards by:  

  • Sustaining, regularly evaluating, and continually improving its services to ensure equality and diversity principles and best practice are embedded in our performance to meet the needs of individuals and groups.  

  • Working together with the community to provide accessible and relevant service provision that responds to service users’ needs.  

  • Ensuring staff, volunteers and trustees are representative of the community served and the employment policies are fair and robust.  

  • Responding to volunteer’s & employees’ needs and encouraging their development to increase their contribution to effective service delivery.  

  • Recognising and valuing the differences and individual contribution that all people make to PACSO.  

  • Challenging discrimination.  

  • Being accountable 

  • Promoting and upholding the PACSO ethos and values   


PACSO recognises, respects and values diversity in its Trustees, employees, volunteers, and service users. PACSO has this policy because it is a people-led organisation that must always ensure it meets the needs of the community through fair and appropriate employment and development of the people who work and volunteer for PACSO. 


This policy covers the behaviour of all people employed or volunteering at PACSO or using the services and sets out the way they can expect to be treated in turn by PACSO. The overall responsibility for ensuring adherence to and implementation of this policy lies with the Trustees, staff, and management. 

PACSO intends to implement this policy by:  

  • Ensuring that it is a condition of paid employment at PACSO.  

  • Ensuring that Trustees, staff, management, volunteers, and users are made aware, understand, agree with, and are willing to implement, this policy. All staff and volunteers will be given a copy of this policy as part of their induction.  

  • Actively encouraging Trustees, staff, management, and volunteers to participate in anti-discriminatory training, and making time and resources available for such training. 

  • Monitoring the services, publicity and events provided by PACSO, to ensure that they are accessible to all sections of the population and do not discriminate, and taking active steps to ensure that participation is representative. 

  • Taking all allegations of discrimination seriously and take disciplinary action where necessary 


Diversity and Dignity at Work Legal Framework 

There is a body of legislation that refers to discrimination and harassment at work under which PACSO has a legal obligations: 


  • Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 

  • Race Relations Act 

  • Equal Pay Act 

  • Sex Discrimination Act 

  • Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 




Emma Kennedy 


June 2024 

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